To demonstrate the Spring Cloud Config concept we need 3 applications:
- Git Repository.
- Spring Cloud Config Server.
- Spring Cloud Config Client (the microservice application).
In the below diagram the interest-rates-service is a microservice where we had added the Spring Cloud Config Client dependency. Also there would be other microservices in the vicinity who may be using the same config server :

1. Git Repository:
We will name this application as – interest-rates-repo
(You can use local git repo as well, but in real life environment you will be using a remote git repo).
In the repo you can add below files:
The above 3 files would be for production, development, and UAT respectively.
You can find the GitHub URL for the same here :
2. Spring Cloud Config Server:
Now we will create a spring boot project from Spring Initializr. We will give it this name- config-server . Add the below dependency and create the config server application:

One can see the below dependency in the pom.xml:
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-config-server</artifactId> </dependency>
Add below items in
The last line in the above properties file specifies the branch of the code you are considering. If you don’t specify that, you will get below exception: No such label: main . . . Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefNotFoundException: Ref main cannot be resolved
In the main class add below line:
Start the server. You can test the properties by calling below URL:

If you change any of the value in the repo, the value in the config-server will be updated automatically, without any restart of the Config Server.
GitHub location for the above Config Server application is here:
3. Spring Cloud Config Client:
Now lets create the Config Client, we will give it the name- interest-rates-service. In real life this would be the microservice application.
Create an spring boot application by importing below dependency:

One can see the below dependency in the pom.xml:
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-config</artifactId> </dependency>
Create the bean class:
@Data @AllArgsConstructor public class InterestRates { int home; int motor; }
And the controller:
@RestController @RefreshScope public class TestController { @Value("${interest.home}") private String home; @Value("${interest.motor}") private String motor; @GetMapping("/getRates") @ResponseBody public InterestRates getRates() { return new InterestRates(Integer.parseInt(home),Integer.parseInt(motor)); } @GetMapping("/getRate_home") @ResponseBody public String getRate_home() { try { return this.home.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "Error: " + e.getMessage(); } } }
In server.port=8080 spring.config.import=optional:configserver:http://localhost:8888 management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*
Just make sure that the value of should match with the the name of .properties file in the repo, i.e., file here.
In the above properties file we have set the profile to dev. If you want to make it to prod, just keep it blank.

GitHub URL of the same Config Client can be found here:
But still there is a problem- If you change some values in the repo, although it will automatically get updated in the config-server application, but it will not get updated automatically in the config-client application. You need to restart the config-client. To avoid the restart, you have to add below 3 changes in the code and do some other activities as mentioned below:
1.In the RestController class add this line: @RefreshScope.
2.Add the actuator dependency to config-client application.
3.Add the below line in This will enable all actuator urls.
Now from a REST client like Postman do a POST call (no body) to the below URL:
For Spring Boot 1.x+ call this URL: http://localhost:8080/refresh
For Spring Boot 2.0.0+ call this URL: http://localhost:8080/actuator/refresh
Finally, you will see the updated changes in config-client application.
But in real world, there would be lot of microservices. You can’t give a refresh call to each and every microservices running on different port. For that you have to take help of – Spring Cloud Bus.
But, with Spring Cloud Bus you can refresh all instances of a single microservice, but not for all microservice.